Friday 22 January 2016


1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?
I chose this recreation as i am doing a horror/thriller theme and wanted to show that in the video. This was a good one to choose as it did show that scary type of theme athat i want to show in my original video.

2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?

I didn't know how to change the camera settings so it got recorded really dark and dull. This was an issue as you couldn't see the video properly and also the scene is 30 seconds long and my one ended up being over. So i will need to keep within the time frame.

3) What are the strengths of the production?

That i tried my best to keep to the same thing. This was good as you can see the similarities in the video and the same things.
4) What aspects would you look to improve?

The costume could have been similar but i had to find someone quickly so i didn't have enough time. This means next time i will have to change it and find someone quick enough.
5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?

I will have to learn how to use the camera more better. I will have to make sure the costume that i want is done well as i need to show certain things. I will need to figure out my organisation and timing skills.
6) Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.

i will be linking the representation  of women. This means that i will have to show in a way how women are n ow being shown what could happen. I will be showing  how women can been shown in a psychological way towards men as normally w#men are shown as stalkers, there is majority of males in prison and i want to show that but from a female perspective.

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