Wednesday 18 November 2015


Notes & Quotes document just under 2,500 – this is a bit short at this stage, the 2,500 deadline was last week and you should have textual analysis to add to this.

Textual analysis is missing – not due until Friday but now needs to be a priority. This is Task #1 and is now urgent. Identify a couple of key scenes from the Walking Dead that support your arguments regarding gender roles and write about them in huge detail – film language, connotations, what the scene suggests to an audience. You need to offer real insight here.

Academic books/journals – you already have some which is good but definitely need much more on this. looking like a strength to the research. Keep looking and check the BFI catalogues too in case they have anything relevant.

Look at our archive of PDFs on the M: drive – there may be some stuff in the women and film folder that is relevant. Then use Google Scholar to find more – obviously read the perfect article on there in depth!

Widen your search away from The Walking Dead and look at feminism, theory and representation more generally. This will create far more opportunities for academic book and journal research.

Look at my bookshelf in DF07 too – the Feminism at the Movies book will surely have some relevant stuff on horror films that could be applied to TV.

I’d look for more internet-based research – only a few links so far, this should be more like 20+ by the end of the process. The Guardian is a great starting point – then search far and wide for feminism and representation-based links.

Task #1 – now an urgent priority – get it done.

Task #2 – set today. Your N&Q document is a bit of a mess currently in terms of formatting and organisation. If you’ve got it organised on Word and it’s just a blog issue then I’m not as worried.

Copy this into a new blog post and write below your next three steps in your research.

1-start my textual analysis
2-finish of my notes and quotes
3- start my essay 

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