Monday 9 November 2015

media confrence notes

What the internet done for us?
It has transformed his life over 30 years
The network inst going anywhere as its been around for a while and keeps getting bigger.
Made in 1983 the internet was
There wasn't many computers around as it had only just been invented.
Its always been open to innovation-can build alot with it.
No awareness of network
Many ways we use the internet.
Connection-info-voices in your head-political action, campaigning, financial reward, games, learning, friendship, downsides-bullying, unwanted porn, images of child sexual abuse, extremism, abuse, scams tip-offs, conspiracy theory and fraud.

2011 Rupert Murdoch done some stuff which caused lots of problems and issues.
Power over-media content, audiences, journalists and the government. Do we or they have the power?
Power to censor, mislead, set the agenda
Stuart hall-role of media
Definitions of majority and minority groups of defiance and normally. Media process as over representing some and under.

Producer of a few films.
Was talking about university and how it can benefit us and how it cant
That we should choose wisely as he didn't know what to do
Making sure that we have the right mind set and when creating our production do it well and try.
He is a senior examiner and moderator who wants the best for students.

She studied fin art photography
Was talking about her film "murdered by my boyfriend"
Was a successful film and they done their best  to make it happen.
Made some interesting points about her role to help make the film good.

A clever "lad"  who graduated from Oxford.
Was talking about and made some points about the way the government is and how it can change many people like students and people who are young in the future.
he wanted to make sure that there was enough to say about the views and points he wanted to get across as it will affect many people who are older and younger in a couple of years. This country has been successful but many people cant stay here any more due to the changes there have been made in the government. For example, university grants, benefits, child support etc.

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