Wednesday 18 November 2015

Textual analysis

I will be focusing on two videos from the walking dead that support my hypothesis. 

Media language: In this scene you can see that michonne is a strong woman and can defend herself as when shes killing the zombies. You can see that she doesnt look right as she seems like soemthing is bothering her.
Genre: The genre for this type of TV programme is a thriller/horror type of show. This is because its about zombies and zombies and blood, violence all come under horror/thriller. The genre does fit in well with the stroyline of the show.
Represntation: The represnetation of the woman Michonne is seen as bad/scared/annoyed/upset. You can tell that in this scene that she is upset as she looking around and staring. You can tell by her facial expressions that she is sad, upset, annoyed and fed up. I think that something might had happen to her beofre which is why she lashed out on them-she didnt have to as she was disguising herself with other zombies to make it look like she was one too. But she decided to let her feelings and hate cause her to kill them. This also shows that shes independant, strong and not afraid. This is because she looked fine to be around the zombies and wasnt scared. She also wasnt scared to be alone as there are still bad people around and the zombies could have identfied that she was a human.
Audience: The type of audeince that would watch this are people who are intrested in this type of show. They would have to make sure that they enjoy and can understand whats happening. The audience would think that shes intresting as not women can fight like this or be as brave as her.
Institutions: The institutions are FOX they are the company that run the show on Tv and on the online website.
Narrative: the narrative of the whole story is to survive. This means that they would need to ensure that they kill whatever bad comes there way and survivie to make sure that they are safe.

Camerawork/costume: As its a zombie apocolypse they havent got much clothing. Shes wearing jeans, boots and a top.  The camerawork tehre is so many different things happening in this scene where the camera is showing its fast. You have the long shot of her and the zombies around her. There must have been around 12.You have the close-up of mischonne where you can see her emotions and facial expressions. You have fast paced shots when shes killing the zombies. This tells me that there was soemhting wrong in order for this to go in that way.
Lighting: The lighting in this scene is shown through natural lighting of the day. This means that i think little artificial lighting is showing on them as its a horror/thriller you wouldnt expect a sunny day or snow-so having a dull normal day with the atmospehere being drained shows the mood shes going to be in.
Actors/actresses: Michomne and the zombies alone are being shown in this
Makeup:Shes wearing very litttle makeup as they wouldnt have that kind of stuff and shes supposed to look rogh and tired. The zombies are obviously wearing alot more makeup as they need the costume and the to make them look like a zombie. Also, when the zombies die they need to have blood around them so there makeup is done to a high standard where they are unrecognisable. 
Props: The props are the zombies and the samurai sword.
Setting: the setting is that its set in a forest and its being shown in that way to show that its a isolated situation and that shes by herslef.

Media language:In this scene you can see that carol is moving fast. Shes trying to make sure that nothing else happens to her frends and makes sure that no one else gets hurt. Shes acting and thinking fast.
Genre:The genre for this type of TV programme is a thriller/horror type of show. This is because its about zombies and zombies and blood, violence all come under horror/thriller. The genre does fit in well with the stroyline of the show.
Represntation: You can see that the people are getting killed and are upset. You can see that whilst shes trying to help people that are getting killed shes killing the bad people in order to be safe. This means that she had to dress like them in order for this to happen as its a disguise. Yiu can see that shes brave, strong and fearless as shes killing people. Mnay people would find that hard but shes doing it really easily. This means that shes used to it and used to seeing these kind of things happen. You can see that she struggled in some parts but still carried on. The other man that she gives a gun too doesnt look to happy that hse gave it to him as he believes that killing shouldnt be an option eventhough that man is trying to kill everyone. This shows that carol is seemed to be stronger minded and more powerful than him.
Audience:The type of audeince that would watch this are people who are intrested in this type of show. They would have to make sure that they enjoy and can understand whats happening. The audience would think that shes intresting as not women can fight like this or be as brave as her.
Institutions:The institutions are FOX they are the company that run the show on Tv and on the online website.
Narrative: as you can see the narrative of the whole story is to survive. This means that they would need to ensure that they kill whatever bad comes there way and survivie to make sure that they are safe.

Costume/camerawork: The costume is carol wearing her own clothes that suits her and shows her. Then when the baddies com she comes up with the idea to wear one of their clothes so that they think shes part of them. This means that she will be able to get to them quicker just like she did. She had to make sure that she kept her group safe where she is living. There are lost of camerawork shots going on. For example, close-ups of her killing the people, a low angle shot of her shotting them which shows that hses powerful and bigger than them. There are long shots to show hwere she is going and what her next move was etc.
Lighting: Again there isnt much lighting as they are using the natural lighting from the sun as thsi is being shot outside.This is better as it gives the show taht more realistic part of the show and makes it make believe.
Actors/actresses: The main character here is michonne then the other people.
Makeup: There isnt much make up on her. When she changes her outfit to the bad side she puts blood on her forehead and makes herself look rugged. They all do and look like that. They make sure that there is alot of blood being shown and some zombies are still there and have the time to look realistic.
Props: They rae the weapons like guns, knives etc.
Setting:This is set in a little road where they are meant to be safe and be in houses. They arent safe as the bad people came and messed it up.

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