Wednesday 16 December 2015

feedback 2

Intro: This needs a lot of work but has the basic ingredients in there somewhere. You need much more clarity to your argument and you also need to mention secondary/historical texts. Avoid such definitive language (“You won’t ever see a woman…”) and there are also aspects that simply don’t make sense. You will need to seriously work on your academic writing if you want to reach the higher grades – read good quality examples of previous essays to develop your own writing style. 250 words.

Section 1: Background and wider context – feminism, gender roles, impact in society etc. Feminist and gender theory and research. Covering traditional stereotypes in order to show how TWD is different. 300 words.

Section 2: The Walking Dead and alternative representations of women. Detailed textual analysis. Refer back to previous feminist theory etc. Add more theory and examples where possible. 500 words.

Section 3: Secondary and historical texts. Discuss other examples of TV shows and whether they reinforce or challenge those traditional stereotypes. Make sure you are getting textual analysis, media theory and quotes into this section. You can mention Tomb Raider (a film text) but don’t make it a major part of the essay. 400 words.

Section 4: Wider context in society – media effects theory. What impact do these negative/positive representation of women have on audiences? You might also want to write about modern feminism online – Twitter accounts and blogs, Everyday Sexism etc. This could be brought into the wider context debate OR saved for the next section. 400 words.

Section 5: The future of feminism… is The Walking Dead an example of how female characters will be represented in future or are traditional stereotypes still dominant? Where will this debate go in the next 5-10 years? 250 words.

Conclusion: Sum up your argument and try and return to your introduction and use a similar structure/style. 150 words.

Next steps… update/finish your plan based on this tutorial. You don’t need to stick to the above by any means but hopefully it has at least clarified your thinking and provided a potential structure that will be easy to follow.

Think carefully about your academic writing – you NEED to read some examples of high quality essays and develop your own formal academic writing style.

Publish this tutorial to your blog with your next steps as usual.

I will need to add to my plan
Think about another text that is a show
I will need to start my plan

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