Thursday 3 December 2015



How is it similar/different to your main text?

This is short video telling me about what life was like in the 50s for women. The women of that time were there to provide for their families, look after the children and thats all. They finished high school and then were off to get married later. The men were there to make money, go college and make soemthing of themselves. The women in  that time who didnt agree and wanted to do better they would  be called "crazy". This is bad as they would want to go out and find a good job and not be atypical hosuewife but as the society was made in that way they had to do this as thats what the society told them to do. In 00s it had become a bit more better as women were allowed to work and not be  stay at home mum or wife. The men had more to do with this and some would stay at home or work part time.However women are still not getting treated the same in the terms of work. They are still getting paid less than men eventhough they work the same hours etc.

  • How does this show how the genre/society/issue has changed?

  • This has told me different things as women arent getting treated the same as much but still are in a way. thewre will always be a few things that women will always be behind in a way. Women will always be based around that role taht they have to be a houswife etc. For example, in some films women are being shown the damsel in distress as people think they cant do their usual roles and be whatever they want. This  is bad as they need to make sure that they are treated the same and not as second class. This has always been a problem and will be until women get paid teh same. This is when feminism comes in and alot of feminsts believe in these sorts of things.

  • How is it similar/different to your main text?

  • As this is one of my texts that i am comparing the walking dead women to, i wanted to analyse this. This film was done in the early 00s. This is differnet to the walking dead as it doesnt include zombies or anything sci-fi as such but it relates to the walking dead as Lara croft the main woman in the show has shown how strong and indepednant she is She is seen here defending herself and trying to get soemthing back that belong to her mother. As  you can tell she is playing the good character whereas the guy is being the villain. He is beating her up and wants to kill her but shes defending herslef and keep sgetting uo even when shes badly hurt. This shows how strong women can be in the film indusrty.

  • How does this show how the genre/society/issue has changed?

  • The culture and traditional views have changed as she doesnt play the damsel in distress she plays the good character whose strong and can fight. Th emain part is that she can fight and she can defend herself. Many women in those days wouldnt even think about fighting or trying to defend themselves. Men arent supposed to abuse women and in this a man is. This is also showing how times have chaanged as they are showing this and how they are showing that she wins shows that women can do that. As men are more physical and are more aggressive you would assume that he wins the fight and kills her but as shes strong she wins.This does go against what supposed to be good and bad in society.

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