Tuesday 8 December 2015


In this essay i will be writing and supporting my question " To what extent does the representation of women in The Walking Dead challenge traditional gender stereotypes?". My essay is about the famous TV show The walking dead that airs every Monday at 9pm on FOX TV. The walking dead is about a zombie apocalypse that is happening in America. Its focused on a group of survivors that have to go through obstacles to stay safe. There are men and women involved and they need to fight and stay safe. The women in this show are shown as strong women who are defending themselves everyday from evil people and the zombies. The men are also taking care of themselves. Women aren’t associated with fighting or have anything to do with it. They normally associate fighting and grim things with men as that’s what they are supposed to do. They will be used to seeing it and being aggressive which is why its ok. Women in the walking dead aren’t like this and they can handle seeing blood and gore, they can handle getting a few bruises or getting a wound. This is different for people to understand as still to this day they will still not let women do a certain job because “it’s a man’s job” or won’t let women play the strong female character as much in films. This does still happen. Mist films nowadays and TV shows do let women be that character but they still have that slightly traditional role of being a sex object and damsel in distress in between. You won’t ever see a woman just play a normal aggressive, masculine role as they think they can’t do it or that it will upset other females because they are shown to that extent. Some females are still rational themselves they believe that they should be housewives or only stay in the kitchen and be known for it. When women are showing masculine traits it’s a shock but a good one. This is because it can empower other women and be a role model for them.

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